Urban eyes


Wednesday 29 August 2012

Self portrait

Principles of design week 2 
Self portrait

 For our first lesson on Principles of design, we were required to do a self portrait, but this was no ordinary shading and sketching. we were allowed to use any or of art such as romanticism or graffiti. i went with nature,  although i wasn't quite sue of what it was based on, i went on with it. i used mostly leaves and grass for my facial expressions. I used two brown dead leaves for my eyes because brown is the colour of my eyes! i went on with thin green and brown grass for my hair, in reality, my hair is very dark brown and ice cream sticks to represent my ears just for the crazy side of me.

I did something different which none else had done for their face color. i had put my portrait over, covering a flame given from a lighter, when in the right angle, the paper with get brownish ash that can't be rubbed of easily, given of by the flame. i learnt this technique in form 1 during an art exam. till this day, i find that technique very cool and classy. 

Me presenting my portrait during POD class

One other background detail ihad added was the coke can. It represents 'food' as i am a food lover but to the irony, im not that into coke or pepsi or anything alike, i am more of an ' iced lemon tea or lychee person. 

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